Tuesday, December 17, 2013

"Barbaroba" and lobiani

Barbaroba is a holiday in memory of Barbare - Christian saint and martyr. Traditional way of celebrating it is... to make lobiani. Why? I have absolutely no idea :) Tengo decided we should also make lobiani so we started to boil beans (luckily I had some at home).  
Lobiani is a baked dough filled with boiled and mushed beans. Very popular and tasty.

What do you need:
(for dough)
0,5 kg of flour
salty water
1 egg

(for filling)
0,4 kg of beans
spices: kindzi, uccho suneli, kondari, Svanian salt, black pepper, salt, red chili, oil

How to do it:
Boil beans till they will be soft. Strain the water but don't spill it - you will need it after. Mash it adding some beany water. You can also use machine for meat. Add spices (for your taste) and a little of oil. Mix it well.

Mix flour, water and egg and knead the dough till it will be smooth and soft. Take part of dough, pin out and put filling inside. Bake for 15-20 minutes in high temperature. Rub some butter on top and eat sill hot.

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