Monday, December 23, 2013


Khinkali is one of the most famous Georgian dishes.It comes from highlanders. Basically, it's a dumpling with meat inside but also with very tasty juice. And eating technique is different - hold khinkali in your hands, bit a small bite, suck the juice and eat rest. You can also add some black pepper inside or on the dough.
 Traditional khinkalis were made from sheep meat and had 32 "wrinkles". The most common are mixed beef and pork but you can also find khinkalis with potatoes, mushrooms or cheese filling.
Here is our easy (and Polish) version of khinkali.

What do you need:
0,5 kg of meat mixed beef and pork (but you also can do it only from pork one)
3 medium onions
parsley, kindzi
3 or 4 cloves of garlic
spices: salt, red peper


How to do it:
First, you need to make filling. Take grinded meat (preferably grinded twice) and mix it with spices. Add grinded onion, garlic and herbs. Mix it all.

Mix flour and salty water and knead it till dough will be soft. (You can also hit it with fists to make even softer;)). Pin out and cut out big circles - our had 10 cm in diameter. Pin out one more time and then put filling inside. Try to make nice shape and check if dough is "glued" correctly on the top.

Boil khinkalis is salty water till they won't float on the surface.

Eat hot with black pepper.

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